Lawrence O’Donnell calls out “Mirage” Individual Mandate

In what may be the most informative 8 1/2 mins of political punditry in the Health Reform debate, veteran Senate staffer and Left-leaning journalise Lawrence O'Donnell sets the record straight about the so-called "Individual Mandate". Many Liberals are becoming aware of the hypocrisy from the Right on the mandate, as it was originally … Continue Reading ››

Why Liberals must avoid ‘Savage’ route to equality

Liberal activist Dan Savage is respected for his work as founder of the "It Gets Better" campaign. Make no mistake that this organization has had a huge role in the rapidly changing public opinion of GLBT equality. As a country, we are all better for important projects like this one. But … Continue Reading ››

Baracks Dubs strikes again: Boyfriend by Justin Bieber

So it turns out that President Obama is getting a lot of YouTube views lately, but they're not from the whitehouse channel. The latest viral craze is BaracksDubs... mash-ups of the President "singing" some popular songs. Here's the latest video of "Boyfriend" by Justin Bieber...

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Mitt’s “Model” SB1070? Umm, Not so much

Well finally we're getting some hotly anticipated news from the US Supreme Court. In yet another 5-3 decision (Justice Elena Kagan did not participate), the court has struck down major portions of Arizona's SB1070 immigration law. Major news from this is that it preserves the right of the Federal Government to determine and … Continue Reading ››

The ABCs of the GOP: G is for

Game Plan

Say what you want about the Republican Party, but there are a whole host of things that they are VERY good at. The level of cohesion and consistency with which they execute their directives is admirable, if not enviable. Often times in interviews and speeches, GOP politicians sound like a … Continue Reading ››

The GOP’s ‘Fast and Frivolous’ Conquest

Our Federal Government saw an historic move this week, as the House Oversight Committee voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress. This vote was related to the "Fast and Furious" scandal.

Here's my best attempt to sum up "Fast and Furious". The … Continue Reading ››