Tag Archives: TFN Insider

Texoblogosphere: Week of February 23rd

The Texas Progressive Alliance congratulates Sarah Goodfriend and Suzanne Bryant on the event of their wedding as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff took issue with the initial reactions to the SD26 special election runoff result.

Light seeker at Texas Kaos continues to take down Fox News and its cynical use of fear, divide, conquer and false equivalencies. Its tactics are literally tearing us apart. The Fear and Hate Chronicles (Part 2) Part I it can be found here.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme sees the Republican hatred of non-white people is stronger than their need to show off their manly (sic) military muscles. Their ignorance has a price and their plutocrat owners, unfortunately, are not the ones paying.

From WCNews at Eye on Williamson. Tax cuts for the rich, tax increases for everyone else, A Slow Migration – Patrick’s Tax Swap Scheme.

Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein’s Texas tour now includes College Station and Laredo, in addition to this week’s Monday evening and Tuesday appearances In Houston. PDiddie’s Brains and Eggs has more details.

Neil at All People Have Value took a nighttime walk. APHV is part of NeilAquino.com.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Unfair Park looks into some rather unconventional speakers for Earth Day Texas 2015.

RG Ratcliffe takes a deeper dive into Greg Abbott’s campaign finance reports.

The Lunch Tray finds another example of craven grandstanding at the expense of children’s health.

HOU Equality reminds us that discrimination happens all around us, all the time.

TFN Insider reports from the faith leaders’ rally for LGBT rights at the Capitol.

Grits for Breakfast does not see marijuana “legalization”, however one defines that, in the cards this year.

Finally, In The 84th looks at the current legislative session in the most logical way, with GIFs and snark.

Austin 2015

This week’s featured image is of downtown Austin, Texas from South Congress street, taken by me. Thanks Austin for being the birthplace of Texas Marriage Equality!!


Texoblogosphere: Week of September 16th 2013

The Texas Progressive Alliance thinks any day we’re not dropping bombs on someone is a pretty good day as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff suggests a way to measure the effect of the voter ID law in the November elections.

Horwitz at Texpatriate discusses the renewed efforts to bring a comprehensive non-discrimination ordinance to the City of Houston.

WCNews at Eye on Williamson points out that the absurd has become reality in Texas, thanks to ignorance and lies, Absurd?

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme notes that the batsh*t crazies on the Texas State Board of Education textbook review board are still pushing creationism in and science out.

Texas is home to two of the top five dirtiest power generation facilities in the United States, and a new report suggests that they are “the elephant in the room” when it comes to climate change. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs thinks he has identified the main culprit, and it’s not what you may have first thought.

Neil at All People Have Value said that with the proper balancing of internal life and external life, the right calculation exists to make sense of life. All People Have Value is part of NeilAquino.com.

Even with a barrage of annoying mailers, emails and kissing babies, elections are very important. Besides being the way we choose new leaders, they are also important to ensure that our currently elected officials listen to the public, and sometimes the only way to hold them accountable for what they do. For all these reasons, Texas Leftist has decided to “take the plunge” with an official candidate questionnaire and endorsement process.

And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Nancy Sims highlights the pitfalls of liking a candidate’s Facebook page.

Texas Watch calls out Rick Perry’s lies and distortions about the state’s tort “reform” law from 2003.

On The Move created a Google map to illustrate where the road rage incidents are in Texas.

TFN Insider explains how anti-CSCOPE activists just cost you a million bucks.

The Observer interviews State Climatologist John Nielsen-Gammon about the drought, climate change, and other fun topics.

Glasstire explains a roadside art project intended to raise awareness about the homeless.

The Bloggess uses the occasion of Suicide Prevention Week to remind us all that we are irreplaceable.

Finally, the TPA wishes all the best for KT Musselman, now the Emeritus Publisher of the Burnt Orange Report, as he moves on to his next phase in life, and to Katherine Haenschen, who succeeds him in that role.

Texoblogosphere: Week of July 22nd

The Texas Progressive Alliance supports the call for justice for Trayvon as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff discusses the status of abortion litigation as pro-choice forces in Texas prepare to file suit over Texas’ harmful new law.

Horwitz at Texpatriate discusses the State of Municipal Elections in the City of Houston.

Can Texas Democrats win in 2014 if they focus on turning out women of all demographics to the polls? PDiddie at Brains and Eggs says ‘no, but’

WCNews at Eye on Williamson makes the case for Wendy Davis to run for governor, Why Wendy Davis must run for Governor of Texas in 2014.

Texas Leftist observes that campaign season has swung into high gear for Houston, as City Council debates the true cost of 380 deals.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

TFN Insider challenges us to remember all of the nasty things abortion opponents have been saying about us lately.

Jason Stanford compares Rick Perry to Jerry Jones, but doesn’t say who should be more offended by the comparison.

Mark Bennett contends that the Zimmerman verdict didn’t tell us anything we didn’t already believe.

Juanita expresses her pride in a recent award won by Rick Perry.

The TSTA Blog gives an update on the state of CSCOPE.

BOR wants to know what Greg Abbott was thinking when he asked people to ask him anything.

Marty Hajovsky mourns a piece of history damaged by fire in Houston.

And for folks in the Austin area, I Love Beer announces a food drive benefiting the Capital Area Food Bank of Texas.

Texoblogosphere: Blog News 4/25/13

The thoughts and prayers of the Texas Progressive Alliance are with the people of Boston and West as we bring you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff explains what electric car makers and microbreweries have in common.

There’s always a price for stupidity and it’s usually steep, especially when it comes to the stupid decision not the regulate key industries. From Mcblogger, The bill for Rick Perry’s low regulation heaven came due this week in West.

Before all of the other things happened last week, Swift Boat Bob Perry passed on to his greater reward. Which, PDiddie at Brains and Eggs hopes, is a low-paying job in an extremely warm climate.

WCNews at Eye on Williamson posts about former Williamson County DA being charged with a crime, Ken Anderson will be charged with criminal wrongdoing in Michael Morton case.

At TexasKaos, Libby Shaw reminds us that there are no signs of Rick Perry become a human being anytime soon. Check out Rick Perry’s Texas: Tax Cuts for Businesses. No Mercy for the Poor.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

TFN Insider reminds us that the creationists are still at work in the Legislature.

The Great God Pan Is Dead joins with the Houston Art Alliance to paint some trees blue.

Concerned Citizens warns about a teabagger group that targets progressive municipal candidates with nuisance ethics complaints.

Jason Stanford doesn’t believe in miracles, at least not as far as test scores are concerned.

Mark Bennett illustrates how spousal privilege may come into play in the Kaufman County murder trials.

Texpatriate finds a reason to be proud of his (Republican) Senator.

Texas Watch offers some tips for dealing with your insurance company after a disaster.

And finally, Flavia Isabel has some helpful hints for domestic bliss.