Tag Archives: Working Artists and the Greater Economy

Texoblogosphere: Week of November 3rd

The Texas Progressive Alliance fervently hopes that all of the election winners have our state’s best interests at heart as we bring you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff discusses what the Republicans didn’t tell us about voter ID, and the bigger question about it that has yet to be decided.

Libby Shaw writing for Texas Kaos and Daily Kos notes that when fascism comes to America it will come wrapped in a law that should have never been passed in the first place. I will not sit down and shut up about voter suppression in Texas.

From WCNews at Eye on Williamson. The Voter ID law in Texas is causing problems. Considering it’s always been a solution in search of a problem this is no surprise, TX GOP Voter ID Law Denied 93-Year-Old Veteran A Ballot.

Control of the US Senate will be decided in a runoff in Louisiana in December, or maybe in January in Georgia. So sayeth PDiddie at Brains and Eggs.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Lone Star Ma was blockwalking to the end.

The Great God Pan Is Dead explains the activism of Working Artists and the Greater Economy (W.A.G.E.), who advocate for paying artists fairly for their labor.

The Texas Election Law Blog reports on the “sub-rosa approval” of veterans health cards as voter ID.

Colin Strother asks if you know who your voters are.

Kevin Barton calls for lower municipal speed limits in the name of pedestrian safety.

Jackie Young updates us on the San Jacinto Waste Pits trial.

Scott Braddock discusses the new (and likely to be short-lived) “dark money” rules.

Forrest Wilder recaps how Greg Abbott crushed Houston Votes in 2010.

The Lunch Tray reminds us that in terms of what they eat, every day is like Halloween for American kids.


Happy Election Day!  Now go and VOTE!!