Tag Archives: TexWatch 2014

Davis BLASTS Abbott For Shrouding Dangerous Chemical Locales

Texas Attorney General Greg Just "Drive Around" Abbott may have ceded some serious ground to State Senator Wendy Davis in the race for Governor, as the Fort Worth Democrat is hitting back against his seedy decision to keep dangerous chemical stockpiles secret from citizens.  Here's the scoop from Bill Hanna of the Fort Worth … Continue Reading ››

Van de Putte Launches First Campaign Video

If you're a top ticket candidate for an election, it's pretty easy to grab the spotlight and make your voice heard on the issues.  For that year, your nomination to run for the state's highest office gets a lot of focus from the press, and is typically accompanied a healthy dose of funding resources. But for … Continue Reading ››

How ‘The People’s Filibuster’ Changed Texas Politics

Everyday on this planet, people experience a defining moment in their life... a marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, starting college, a new job... these events are significant to that individual, and the close family and friends around them.  Then there are even rarer occasions where we experience a defining moment as a collective, … Continue Reading ››

Abbott, Davis Parlay Over Pre-K

Some very revealing plans for Pre-K came out of the Abbott campaign. Here's the low-down from the Texas Tribune, including Wendy Davis' response...

Announcing the first of his education policy proposals Monday, Republican gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott called for reforming pre-kindergarten programs before expanding access, saying that additional funding should … Continue Reading ››

TexWatch 2014: Forcing the Issues

As was stated in an earlier post, Texas Democrats are facing some rather long odds to win statewide in this election cycle. Most of this has to do with the long shadow cast by 2 decades of losses for the statewide party. To put it simply, Texas Democrats have to start our … Continue Reading ››

TexWatch 2014: Past the Primaries Part 1

The old saying goes like this...

Democrats fall in love. Republicans fall in line.

Once again, this political principle was on display this week's Primary election. Republicans, as expected, were out in much greater force than their Democrat counterparts, despite all of the hope and anticipation of positive developments … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of March 3rd

The Texas Progressive Alliance is delighted to see marriage equality take another big step forward as we bring you this week's roundup.

Off the Kuff examines the past performance of UT/Texas Trib polls in statewide Demorcatic primaries and finds it wanting.

As the Uber rideshare program (and … Continue Reading ››