Tag Archives: Rick Perry 2016

Texoblogosphere: Week of June 8th

The Texas Progressive Alliance is happy there’s no hint of any special sessions to come as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff notes that while Travis County is ready for the Supreme Court to legalize same-sex marriage, there’s likely to be no small amount of chaos in the state once they do.

Letters from Texas explains how a recent ruling in a North Carolina redistricting case may bode well for Texas’ plaintiffs.

LightSeeker at Texas Kaos calls “ethics reform” in Texas for what it is. Government is for, by and of the highest bidder. Texas leads the pack. Texas Ethical Reform – DOA.

SocraticGadfly, reading about a new study that claims classical psychological conditioning during sleep can reduce racist tendencies, has two thoughts: it’s either too good to be true, or, if it has real and lasting change, it’s probably got an element of Clockwork Orange.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme is glad McAllen ISD and others are taking care to feed children during the summer.

Do you think Greg Abbott’s first legislative session as governor was a success or a failure? PDiddie at Brains and Eggs wants to know.

From WCNews at Eye on Williamson, the threat was enough for the clandestine video scheme that may have changed the game on the budget and taxes in 84th Texas Legislature, Timing Is Everything.

Neil at All People Have Value offered a framework about how to live our lives. APHV is part of NeilAquino.com.

Nonsequiteuse missed the Houston Mayoral Candidates Arts and Culture Forum, but it got her thinking about getting arts organizations out of their silos and engaged as advocates for progressive change.

On her long road seeking the Presidency, one of Hillary Clinton’s greatest challenges will be to re-create the infamous Coalition of 2008. This week at Houston’s Texas Southern University, she worked hard to mend some fences, and shared some important views on Voting Rights.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Texas Watch celebrated its victories from the legislative session.

Grits can’t wait to see if the state’s new junk science writ will be interpreted broadly or not.

The Texas Election Law Blog asks if our government is supposed to represent everyone, or just everyone who is allowed to vote.

The Texas Living Waters Project warns of a new environmental danger to the Brazos River.

Molly Cox bemoans low voter turnout in San Antonio.

Keep Austin Wonky explains how percentage-based homestead exemptions help fuel inequality.

Paradise in Hell is not impressed by Rick Perry 2016.

Texans for Public Justice and Public Citizen call Greg Abbott “just plain wrong” on the matter of dark money and disclosure.

Texas Vox managed to find a few small rays of hope from the legislative session.

Equality Texas produced its report card for the 84th Legislature.

Hillary Clinton Talks Voting Rights In Houston

Speaking on the campus of Texas Southern University, Former First Lady, Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton caused something of a firestorm in Houston Thursday.

The storied politician was at TSU to receive a first of its kind award… the Barbara Jordan Public Private Leadership medal, which was established to honor the monumental legacy of Texas’ first African-American female elected to the Texas Senate and to Congress.  Barbara Jordan was also the first African-American woman to deliver the keynote address at major party’s National Convention.

With Jordan’s storied legacy before her, Clinton took to the podium to further her own achievements, and speak on the issue of Voting Rights.  Here’s more on the speech from CNN

Hillary Clinton accused four potential GOP presidential rivals by name of being “scared of letting citizens have their say” as she called Thursday for every American to automatically be registered to vote.

Clinton told an audience at the historically black Texas Southern University that she supports the concept of signing every American up to vote as soon as they’re eligible at age 18, unless they specifically opt out. She called for expanded access to polling places, keeping them open for at least 20 days and offering voting hours on evenings and weekends.

For the first time in her campaign, she attacked her likely opponents by name as she laid into four GOP governors — Texas’s Rick Perry, Wisconsin’s Scott Walker, Florida’s Jeb Bush and New Jersey’s Chris Christie — telling them to “stop fear-mongering about a phantom epidemic of voter fraud.”

“All of these problems voting just didn’t happen by accident,” she said. “And it is just wrong — it’s wrong — to try to prevent, undermine and inhibit Americans’ right to vote.”

The candidate’s remarks were an important shift to the Left on the whole Voting Rights conversation, which has long been dominated by the policies in place in Republican-controlled states seeking to do anything but ensure the rights of every citizen to vote.  As Clinton pointed out, Texas is one of the nation’s worst offenders when it comes to Voting Rights discrimination.

After lambasting her competitors, Clinton went on to talk about how communities must work together to create a successful prosperous nation.

“America was built by people that knew that our common interests are more important than our self interests.”

Beyond her concern for Voting Rights, Clinton definitely had a complex agenda for today’s speech. For one, she’s working hard to put the infamous “Obama coalition” back together from 2008. Talking about the erosion of voting abilities is a sure fire way to get noticed in the minority community.

But as an added bonus, Clinton’s big speech happened to be on the same day as former Texas Governor Rick Perry’s announcement that he too is running for President, amongst a slew of other Republican candidates.  Whether by accident or not, it’s fair to say that Clinton’s appearance was well-timed to steal a little Texas thunder on Perry’s big day.

Whatever the additional factors at play, Thursday’s event was an indication that Hillary Clinton is off to a very good start in rebuilding the historic coalition that put Obama into office seven years ago.  For sure, she now has some friends at Texas Southern University, but there’s still more consensus building to do.

Monica Rojas of The Daily Cougar has more on the event.


Hillary Rodham Clinton speaking at Texas Southern University. June 4th, 2015.

Rick Perry Wants BOOTS On The Border, Not Humanitarian Aid

Long gone are the days when Rick Perry showed any semblance of compassion for the plight of undocumented children and families.  Instead of working to find a solution to his state’s most recent border crisis, the Texas Governor and 2016 Presidential hopeful is doubling down on photo ops and party politics.  Here’s more from CNN

Texas Gov. Rick Perry said he won’t encourage his state’s congressional delegation to approve President Obama’s request for $3.7 billion in emergency funds to mitigate the border crisis.

“The President doesn’t have to have this big amount of money,” Perry told Fox News Channel’s Brit Hume. “He could pick up the phone today, call the (Defense Department) and direct them to have the 1,000 National Guard troops on the border.”


Perry said the physical presence of the National Guard would send a clear, visual message to potential immigrants that U.S. borders are not wide open.

“They need to be right on the river,” he said. “They need to be there as a show of force, because that’s the message that gets sent back very quickly to Central America.”

It doesn’t take a thousand National Guardsmen and Guardswomen to decipher the message that the Governor is trying to send here.  The only thing Perry cares about now is using the current border crisis as a meal ticket to 2016.  Don’t forget… he is not someone that is unconnected to the realities of these issues, as he has dealt with them consistently since Barack Obama was a State Senator in Illinois.  For Perry to come out now and say that the only thing needed on the border is more troops is nothing short of lunacy.  He’s well aware of the detrimental need for more immigration lawyers and judges to process these children the correct way.  He’s well aware of the critical need for more humanitarian aid, including shelters, food and other supplies.

It’s a sad day for the people of Texas when our Governor can become so obsessed with his political aspirations that he completely ignores the needs of his state.  But in fairness, President Obama also needs to stop playing politics here.  It’s time for the Commander-in-Chief to come to the border… not for a photo op like Perry, but to assess the situation at a personal level.  Asking for aid from Congress is in part a political move, given the current brokenness of the institution.  We need some leadership on this issue Mr. President, and with the total ineptitude coming from our state’s top official and from Congress, that job (once again) falls to you.