Tag Archives: Diego Bernal

Texoblogosphere: Week of October 27th

The Texas Progressive Alliance is scouting out pumpkin patches as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff looked at early voting trends for 2015.

Socratic Gadfly told people who had not yet been to the polls to vote No to 6 of 7 on the constitutional amendments propositions.

Libby Shaw at Texas Kaos and contributing to Daily Kos explores the devastation to women’s health care options in Texas, compliments of the state’s far right Republican policies. The Texas GOP & Its Unforgiving War on Women.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme is horrified at the Republicans use of state power to abuse Planned Parenthood, their patients, their employees, their associates and the people of Texas.

All of the political mail, door hangers, and assorted communication from the upcoming election for 2015 was photographed, discussed, and then recycled by PDiddie at Brains and Eggs.

Realizing the value of everyday life, which when asserted against the elite and insider absence of values of the establishments of both major parties is a possible starting point for an uprising or people’s movement, Neil at All People Have Value took two pictures of traffic in Houston. APHV is part of NeilAquino.com.

Texas Leftist issues Endorsements for the 2015 Houston Municipal Elections.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Better Texas Blog analyzes State Propositions 1 and 7.

Streetsblog advocates against Prop 7.

The Current reports on the signs that Rep. Diego Bernal is providing local businesses who do not want to allow open carry on their premises.

Fascist Dyke Motors voted and feels good about it.

Texas Watch provides five things to know when filing a wildfire insurance claim.

Bekah McNeel vents her shame and outrage at being fooled by Volkswagon.

The Texas Election Law Blog answers your questions about homeless voting.’


And uh…. you need to V-O-T-E!!!!

Will Texas Vote

Texoblogosphere: Week of January 5th, 2015

The Texas Progressive Alliance is still waiting for someone to invent the hoverboard as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff published special election candidate interviews with Diego Bernal, Trey Martinez-Fischer, and Ty McDonald.

Libby Shaw writing for Texas Kaos and Daily Kos learned important lessons from her volunteer work with Battleground Texas. Battleground Texas: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

From WCNews at Eye on Williamson. There may still be hope for Battleground Texas in Texas. But the strategy will must change, All About The Base.

Police departments all over the country have deep roots in slavery and racism, as PDiddie at Brains and Eggs reminded.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme wonders why the Port of Brownsville is so dismissive of the Sierra Club opinion on liquefied natural gas terminals. Don’t they care about the health of the people and the environment?

Neil at All People Have Value said policymakers on both sides of the aisle knew years ago that automation and changing facts threatened blue collar jobs. Yet instead of helping everyday people, public policy was geared towards the rich instead. Neil says the work of freedom is up to each of us. APHV is part of NeilAquino.com.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Juanita challenged us to come up with a title for Ted Cruz’s book.

LGBTQ Insider has a caveat about the FDA’s change in policy towards gay men donating blood.

Unfair Park previews the Fifth Circuit court hearing on the same sex marriage appeal.

Texans Together reviews the San Jacinto River Coalition’s accomplishments for 2014.

Nancy Sims tells the story of her transitioning daughter and her own unconditional love for her.

The Bloggess pens an open letter to the Girl Scouts.

Jonathan Guajardo asks new Bexar County DA Nico LaHood for a serious inquiry into the case of Cameron Redus, a UIW student who was fatally shot by a UIW police officer outside his apartment off campus.

Scott Braddock calls 2014 the year of Tom DeLay’s permanent Republican majority.

Shelby County Courthouse

(The 1886 Shelby County Courthouse in Center, Texas.  Photo credit:  254texascourthouses.net )