Tag Archives: Dan Patrick

TLCQ 2014: Endorsement for Lieutenant Governor

This week, citizens all across the great state of Texas are at a critical crossroads, with an important decision to make:  do we stay in the past, or move forward with the future? In some races for this year's election, a reasonable case can be made for either side.  For example, the race for Railroad Commissioner … Continue Reading ››

Corpus Christi Caller Times Endorses Leticia Van de Putte

The Coastal Bend region's lead newspaper has announced its endorsement for the Lieutenant Governor's race, calling Democratic candidate Leticia Van de Putte a "Democrat that GOP voters should trust."  Here's an excerpt from the full-throated endorsement by the Corpus Christi Caller Times...
The Democratic Party's effort has been all about Van de Putte's Senate colleague, … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of September 1st

The Texas Progressive Alliance hopes everyone had a good Labor Day as it brings you this week's roundup. Like many people, Off the Kuff was cheered by the ruling in the school finance lawsuit. The TXGOP had a really lousy week, and it only got worse for Greg Abbott as the Labor Day … Continue Reading ››

Debate Grate: Is Dan Patrick Afraid of Leticia Van de Putte??

In this year's race for Texas Lieutenant Governor, one candidate is ready to rumble, while the other is scared to even get in the ring.  Do you know which is which?  If not, Here's the story from the Houston Chronicle...

Democratic lieutenant governor nominee Leticia Van de Putte said Thursday that … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: week of July 21st

The Texas Progressive Alliance mourns the tragedy of MH17 as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff looks at Travis County's design for a new kind of voting machine, one that will add security, ease of use, and an honest to goodness paper receipt. From WCNews at Eye on Williamson, Democrats running … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of June 2nd

The Texas Progressive Alliance celebrates the passage of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff tries to figure out what the runoff results might mean for November. Libby Shaw at Texas Kaos is disgusted by the low blow campaign tactics employed during this election cycle. … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of March 3rd

The Texas Progressive Alliance is delighted to see marriage equality take another big step forward as we bring you this week's roundup.

Off the Kuff examines the past performance of UT/Texas Trib polls in statewide Demorcatic primaries and finds it wanting.

As the Uber rideshare program (and … Continue Reading ››