For those that were around an American television in the year 2000, it's quite possible you remember the name Elian Gonzalez... a little boy from Cuba that was the center of a massive international custody fight. He originally came to the US by boat and his mother actually died en route to get to … Continue Reading ››
The curious case of the GOP versus Comprehensive Immigration Reform continues.
It appears that the latest plan that Republicans have cooked up to stall Immigration Reform is nothing more than an old stand-by... blame President Obama.
As returning readers know, Texas Leftist is a site that makes no issue with having a Left-leaning perspective (as though the name was not sufficient enough to decipher that). But even with that acknowledgement, there are many issues that are simply too big to confine to a singular point of view. I also believe that … Continue Reading ››
In continuance of has turned out to be quite the week in American politics, the United States Senate has passed the Gang of 8's Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill by a vote of 68 to 32. The final vote was taken at approximately 3:24pm CST.
Houston seems to be a favorite subject of national media these days. But perhaps it's good hear about the Houston economy from those that are actually living it day to day. Here are six reasons I think Houston's economy is working so well...
But let's face facts here folks... it IS. Even if there are a precious few Republican Congress members that sincerely want to fix our broken immigration system, that number is not enough to matter in the grand scheme of Republican politics. There is still far too large a segment of the GOP … Continue Reading ››