Some very good news for the people of Arkansas, and other states that may follow in their footsteps...
The Arkansas State House of Representatives has finally approved funding for the 'Private Option' with a vote of 76 to 22. They passed the exact version of the State Senate's … Continue Reading ››
Texoblogosphere: Week of March 3rd
The Texas Progressive Alliance is delighted to see marriage equality take another big step forward as we bring you this week's roundup.
Off the Kuff examines the past performance of UT/Texas Trib polls in statewide Demorcatic primaries and finds it wanting.
As the Uber rideshare program (and … Continue Reading ››
Off the Kuff examines the past performance of UT/Texas Trib polls in statewide Demorcatic primaries and finds it wanting.
As the Uber rideshare program (and … Continue Reading ››
If you are late to the voting info, but plan to vote in the Texas Democratic Primaries tomorrow, here's some important news...
Please DO NOT VOTE FOR KESHA ROGERS!! She is a LaRouche Democrat that openly calls for the impeachment of President Obama. She's bad news for the Texas Democratic … Continue Reading ››
Please DO NOT VOTE FOR KESHA ROGERS!! She is a LaRouche Democrat that openly calls for the impeachment of President Obama. She's bad news for the Texas Democratic … Continue Reading ››
Arizona SB1062 is Gone. What’s Next??
Don't get me wrong... I'm glad that Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has spared her state a bitter set of legal battles by vetoing a controversial bill aimed at codifying discrimination under the guise of freedom of religion. It was a terrible piece of legislation, and everyone from the Progressive community to business leaders … Continue Reading ››
Texoblogosphere: Week of February 24th
The Texas Progressive Alliance thinks Ted Nugent is an appropriate spokesman for the modern Republican Party of Texas as it brings you this week's roundup.
Off the Kuff analyzes the turnout issue for Democrats in 2014.
WCNews at Eye on Williamson on the Round Rock members … Continue Reading ››
Off the Kuff analyzes the turnout issue for Democrats in 2014.
WCNews at Eye on Williamson on the Round Rock members … Continue Reading ››
Texas Marriage Ban Ruled Unconstitutional!!
Directly from the Houston Chronicle...
SAN ANTONIO - A federal judge in San Antonio on Wednesday declared Texas' ban on gay marriage unconstitutional. The Lone Star state's refusal to recognize out-of-state same-sex marriages is also unconstitutional, he ruled.
U.S. District Judge Orlando Garcia, however, also issued a stay, … Continue Reading ››
Arkansas: ACA ‘Private Option’ Still In Jeopardy
In 2013 Arkansas lawmakers made a solemn promise to the state's people. They crafted a landmark compromise to cooperate with the Affordable Care Act, and bring life-saving healthcare options to hundreds of thousands of Arkansans. What resulted was Arkansas' Private Option... a deal that that uses ACA money originally meant to expand Medicaid, … Continue Reading ››