Category Archives: Houston Politics

Houston Equal Rights Ordinance WILL See 2015 Ballot

Just over 1 year ago, the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance faced a contentious vote to be approved by City Council.  At that time, opponents questioned the need for local protections against discrimination, and even promoted blatant lies about the law regarding restroom usage.  After hours of debate and impassioned stories, HERO was passed. But the … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of August 3rd

The Texas Progressive Alliance prefers Attorneys General who aren't themselves lawbreakers as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff is dismayed but not surprised by the business community's apathy about the coming effects of climate change in Texas. Ken Paxton's indictments broke news on Saturday afternoon, about 24 hours later than PDiddie … Continue Reading ››

METRO Bus Driver Risks Life, Saves Man From Fire

What began as an ordinary morning in Houston turned into an ultimate test of inner strength and character for METRO Bus driver Paul Nelson-- one that he passed with flying colors.  As KTRK news ABC 13 reports, Mr. Nelson proved himself an incredible hero today...

Funding Model Emerges For the Astrodome

If there's one thing Harris County voters made clear in 2013, it was this... we don't want to spend public money to save the Astrodome.  And of course "we" meaning a clear majority of Harris County voters who bothered to show up for the 2013 elections. astrodome2 While many … Continue Reading ››

Texas Supreme Court Says HERO Must Be Placed On November Ballot

The Conservative-leaning Supreme Court of Texas has sided with anti-Equality plaintiffs in a Friday morning ruling.  Here's the story from Rebecca Elliott of the Houston Chronicle...
The Texas Supreme Court ruled Friday that Houston City Council must repeal the city's equal rights ordinance or place it on the November ballot. The ruling comes three months after … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of July 20th

The Texas Progressive Alliance asks #WhatHappenedToSandraBland as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff looks at the lawsuit filed against the state for refusing to issue birth certificates to children of undocumented immigrant mothers. Lightseeker at Texas Kaos makes a compelling argument as to why the Democratic Party needs to sharpen its … Continue Reading ››

2015 Texas Leftist Candidate Questionnaire

Now that we've officially made it to the hot, yucky part of Houston summer, it's time to add to the list of indoor activities and hone in on this year's municipal elections. As time gets closer to Election Day (being held November 3rd, 2015 for the Houston Municipal elections) it is important that voters have a … Continue Reading ››