Real-Estate Watchdog ‘Swamplot’ Returns Next Week

For most it is common knowledge that Houston is one of the largest cities in the country.  Even with troubles in the oil industry, the metropolitan area is still growing at an impressive pace.

But what some may not consider is how Houston grows, and the important ways that development guide the Houston of tomorrow.  Unlike any other major city of its size, Houston also holds the unique position of not having formal zoning practices.  Without governance, where and how structures get built can be very serious business, and influence the politics at many levels.  Anyone familiar with the Ashby Highrise saga knows this.

So today’s announcement from the great folks over at Swamplot will be welcomed news indeed.  Long-known for their innovative reporting and exclusive dedication to Houston’s real-estate landscape, the website will be back to full capacity starting December 1st, with a new team of personnel at the helm.

Texas Leftist is glad to see Swamplot back on the beat.  So add this item to your ‘thankful for’ list.
