While State Hoards Cash, Texas Cities Borrow

Ask almost any Texans living north of Greater Houston and they can tell you... 2015 has been an exceptionally rough winter for the Lone Star State.  North Texas is just now thawing out from a rare March snowfall, in a year that has seen record winter events. But long after this (hopefully) final bit of … Continue Reading ››

Local Control Texas Launches, Builds Support

As previously discussed, the opposition by city and county leaders to Texas-style Big Government has formed. Launched just this week, the group Local Control Texas has already proven to be quite the diverse group.  Whether Liberal or Conservative, urban or rural, all have united because they recognize that recent actions by Governor Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of March 2nd

The Texas Progressive Alliance thinks the dress is blue and black and that the llamas should get their own TV show as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff notes that Republican hostility to local control doesn't extend to the proposed high speed rail line, where a bill to give cities and … Continue Reading ››

After Reimagining Approval, Challenges Remain For METRO

There's no doubt that the top-to-bottom redesign of Houston's bus system was the result of lots of hard work.  Since its approval last month, System Reimagining has received national media attention, mostly in the form of high praise from transit enthusiasts and critics alike. But plans on a page are one issue.  Bringing the new … Continue Reading ››

Big Government Texas Part 3: The Fight For Local Control

Ask anyone in Texas... we know that it is a B-I-G state.  By land area, it's the largest in the lower 48 and by population the second largest in the nation.  Along with huge numbers come huge amounts of diversity. We may all be Texans, but that's about the only thing most of us have … Continue Reading ››