Texoblogosphere: Week of December 30th

The Texas Progressive Alliance bids farewell to 2013 and wishes everyone a happy and healthy 2014 as it brings you this week's roundup.

Off the Kuff has stayed on top of the legal action in the Utah same sex marriage litigation and related matters.

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Minimum Wage Misconceptions

Like most teenagers, I was not only excited to have my first full-time job, but proud to know that I had reached a significant milestone in my life. I didn't have to rely on my parents for every want and need anymore. By having a job, and making my own money, I was able to … Continue Reading ››

Music Musings: 2013’s Biggest Moment in Music

Did you hear it? There's a quiet revolution overtaking the music industry. 

If you're trying to guess what Texas Leftist chose as the most significant event in music for 2013, here's a hint... it ain't BeyoncĂ©. But I can guarantee you that what BeyoncĂ© did was partly in response to this. … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: week of December 23rd

The Texas Progressive Alliance wishes everyone a joyful and joyous holiday as it brings you this week's roundup.

Off the Kuff wants to know why no one is taking responsibility for enforcing voting rights in Texas.

Eye On Williamson digs deeper into how the Democrats in … Continue Reading ››

LGBT Equality: The New Normal

Located in the heart of the city, St. Paul's United Methodist Church sits right next to Houston's Museum of Fine Arts. The church is a large neo-gothic structure that echoes the grandeur and imposition of Europe's most impressive Cathedrals. Whether driving by, or riding the Metrorail, people always seem to notice St. Paul's. … Continue Reading ››

Diversity on Houston City Council

It's been quite interesting to see what amounts to a 'minor freak out' going on in the blogosphere right now. Suddenly, people are starting to realize that the Houston City Council isn't as diverse as they expected it to be? And, particularly from a gender perspective, will be even less so in … Continue Reading ››

New Mexico Supreme Court: Same-Sex Marriage is LEGAL

Take note Texas. Marriage equality just came to your backyard.

From Elizabeth Reed at news station KOB...

"In a unanimous decision on Thursday, the state's highest court declared state marriage laws unconstitutional and upheld New Mexico county clerks' decisions to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
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