On CNN’s Starting Point, GOP Congressman Peter King once again proved that he operates in a “Fact-Free Zone” when it comes to President Obama’s Foriegn Policy record. When pressed by anchor Soledad O’Brien to explain why thought Obama was apologizing for America, he continued to deny his actual speech content. O’Brien stated that FactCheck.org and other independent fact-checkers were all in agreement that Obama has never apologized abroad.
O’Brien: Everyone keeps talking about this ‘Apology Tour’ and apologies from the President…
King: It is
O’Brien: And I’m trying to find the words “I’m sorry” or “I apologize” in any of those speeches. I have the text of all those speeches in front of me. [It’s in] none of those speeches at all…
King: But Soledad…
O’Brien: And if you go to FactCheck.org, they’ll say the same thing…
King: Right…
O’Brien: They’ve fact-check the whole thing and they say this whole theory of apologies is…
King: I don’t care what fact-check says. I don’t care!
O’Brien Well ok you may not care, but they [are] a fact-checker.
King: But no, what I’m saying is [this]… Any common-sense interpretation of speeches shows the President is apologizing for the American position.
Umm, ok Congressman. But he never acutally said it. To most people, you have to use the words “I’m sorry” or “I apologize” or else it’s not an apology. Your facts come up as completely FALSE. Yet another Republican talking point… dismantled.
As entertaining as Peter King can be on the political talk show circuit, this interview reveals a systemic problem. If he’s perfectly ok saying that he doesn’t care about facts, then why is he in Congress? American taxpayers pay him a handsome 6-figure salary of over $160,000 per year. He has a top-of-the-line health plan and likely will retire with a pension. And beyond all of that, we pay him to make critical decisions that affect virtually every aspect of American life. What we don’t pay him to do is simply ignore facts and fact-checkers like they don’t exist.