Tag Archives: Texas Obamacare

While Opposing Medicaid Expansion, Texas Secretly BEGS for Federal Help

It's an old but often true saying that "everything's bigger in Texas".  But if that's the case, shouldn't the shame felt by two-faced Republican leaders be out-sized as well? For the latest example, let's take the foolish games that the Texas Governor and Republican-dominated Legislature continue to play around Medicaid Expansion.  For 5 years now, Texas … Continue Reading ››

Wait… How Much Is Texas Losing By NOT Expanding Healthcare?

This is something that I've written on previously, but now some professionals have given more comprehensive numbers to prove what we know to be true. Texas is losing out big time by not taking any form of the ACA Medicaid expansion.  Here's more on this shocker from the Dallas Morning News...
We’ve heard the … Continue Reading ››