Tag Archives: Texas Central Railway

Planned High Speed Rail Selects Houston Terminus

Even in the face of uncertainty and some fierce opposition, the bold plan for a high-speed rail line connecting Texas' two largest metros marches forward.  In fact, as Dug Begley of the Houston Chronicle reports, yesterday's news on the project represents a rather significant leap forward...
Once a Houston destination for shopping, movies and … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of March 31st

The Texas Progressive Alliance is glad that so many people will be getting health insurance even if that number should have been much higher as it brings you this week's roundup.

Off the Kuff pushes back on some happy talk about the voter ID law.

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Texas On “Fast Track” To High-Speed Rail

There may be some exciting times ahead for the Lone Star State, especially for those living in Houston or D/FW. From the Texas Tribune...

The mayors of Houston, Dallas and Fort Worth announced Thursday their unified support for the construction of a privately funded bullet train between the two metropolitan … Continue Reading ››