Tag Archives: Sara Ines Calderon

Texoblogosphere: The Week of May 27th

The Texas Progressive Alliance hopes their legislators get to go home soon as we bring you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff doesn’t profess to know whether Rick Perry will run for Governor again or not, but he does know that Greg Abbott would not be any improvement over him in the Governor’s mansion. The Texas Progressive Alliance hopes their legislators get to go home soon as we bring you this week’s roundup.

Williamson County does it again! WCNews at Eye on Williamson posts on the latest outrage from the GOP in Williamson County, Religious test for constable applicants in Williamson County .

A Dick decided to run for mayor of Houston. Like THAT’s newsworthy. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs decided to blog about it anyway.

Darth Politico is back with some Memorial Day musings about how we treat our veterans and that not all those who die because of war are killed in combat.

DosCentavos celebrates the death (for now) of the latest Republican attack on the poor– drug testing for TANF beneficiaries. He does support some sort of test for Lege members.


And here are some more posts of interest from Texas blogs.

Hair Balls listens to Steve Hotze’s anti-Obamacare song so you don’t have to.

Brewed And Never Battered thanks everyone who helped pass the craft beer bills this session.

Open The Taps explains what all that craft beer legislation will do for you.

Juanita Jean already has a reason to look forward to 2016.

Sara Inés Calderón offers her perspective on Battleground Texas.

Austin Contrarian reassures his neighbors that Austin isn’t as big as the Census may have you believe.

Jason Stanford explains how the Legislature screwed you this time around.

Better Texas Blog laments that the Lege still doesn’t account for growth in its budget.

Burnt Orange Report (BOR) updates us on the redistricting effort in the city of Austin.

Texpatriate applauds the Lilly Ledbetter equal pay bill.