Tag Archives: Jerry Jones Chris Christie

Texoblogosphere: Week of January 12th

The Texas Progressive Alliance is girding its loins for what is likely to be an ugly legislative session as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff highlights the ongoing voting rights dispute in Pasadena by showing how fallacious the city’s argument for changing to a hybrid At Large/district model for its City Council is.

Libby Shaw writing for Texas Kaosand Daily Kos has heard whispers about the possibility of accepting federally expanded Medicaid in Texas. She wonders how can this be sold to far right wingers like Dan Patrick and the tea party ultra conservatives? If expanded will Medicaid be called Jesus Care or Koch Care?

As the 84th Texas Legislature prepares to convene, PDiddie at Brains and Eggs says, “Kansas-sippi here we come!”

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme wants to know what the difference is between Henry Cuellar and the Republicans who kiss Wall Street ass-ets? Really? Is there any difference?

Neil at Neil Aquino.com likes how the 1976 Walter Matthau movie Bad News Bears takes a swipe at liberalism.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Juanita is delighted by the “Louie Gohmert for Speaker” story.

Durrell Douglas tells Oprah why their movement will have no “leaders”.

Unfair Park is not a fan of the Jerry Jones-Chris Christie bromance.

The Lunch Tray interviews USDA Under Secretary Kevin Concannon.

Texans Together examines the elements of an effective pre-K program.

The TSTA blog reminds the Legislature that its obligation is to public, not private, education.

Better Texas Blog has a cheat sheet for the biennial revenue estimate.

Texas Vox is looking for people to work with Public Citizen for the legislative session.

(Photo is of the Fort Bend Museum in historic Richmond, Texas)