Houston Cabbies Harassing Lyft Drivers?

A fierce battle has been raging around City Hall, as Houston tries to decide a major piece of the city's transportation future.  Upstart ride-share companies Uber and Lyft appeared in the Houston Market last February, and in a very short time have begun to challenge the city's traditional taxicab services.  As Texpatriate states, these … Continue Reading ››

Mega May Day: Global Fast Food Strike

Though International Workers' Day technically falls on the 1st of May each year (May Day), the biggest developments appear to be happening two weeks later.  From msnbc.com, here's what's occurring around the world today...
On May 15, after months of relative quiet, fast food workers in 150 American cities will again go on strike. Once … Continue Reading ››

VA Still Paying Civil War Benefits!

It's popular in contemporary American politics to question the effectiveness of government. Republicans often cast doubt that Federal agencies will be able to honor their commitments. For example, that reasoning is a popular theme for many state Governors refusing to comply with the ACA Healthcare expansion. But a shocker of an article in the Wall … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of May 12th

The Texas Progressive Alliance says Bring Back Our Girls for this post-Mother's Day roundup. Off the Kuff takes a closer look at the competitive legislative races on the ballot this fall. Horwitz at Texpatriate notes that, while there may be a Democrat now on the Court of Criminal Appeals, he is not doing … Continue Reading ››

Compromise Reached on ERO’s ‘most divisive’ Provisions

In the increasingly heated battle over Houston's Equal Rights Ordinance, set to be voted on tomorrow by Council, Mayor Parker announced a major compromise today.  She was flanked by several Council Members that were originally on the fence about said provisions.  Here's the scoop from Jayme Fraser of the Houston Chronicle...
Mayor Annise Parker and … Continue Reading ››

METRO Reveals System Re-imagining Plan

At over 2.2 million residents and over 600 square miles in land area, Houston has the unique distinction of not only being one of the largest cities in the US by population, but also one of the most spread-out cities.  This reality can be quite the challenge when trying to plan for the for the … Continue Reading ››

Arkansas Issues Same-Sex Marriage Licenses

What seemed nothing short of impossible just a few weeks ago is now happening in the Arkansas, as marriage equality has made a surprise visit to the Natural State.  Here's more from LGBTQNation via the Associated Press...
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Couples lined up before dawn Monday outside Little Rock’s courthouse as the state’s largest … Continue Reading ››

A Voice for the Rest of Texas