The Texas Progressive Alliance is old enough to remember when everyone who ran for public office did so on a premise of making it work better as it brings you this week's roundup.
Off the Kuff assesses the state of Houston's elections going into early voting.
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TLCQ 2013: Endorsements in City Council Districts F-K
Bolstered by unprecedented growth and diversification in Houston's Asian community, District F is rapidly becoming a second epicenter of the Bayou City. The Asia Town area is exploding with new businesses and entrepreneurial ventures, and needs a council member with the energy, vitality and commitment to voice all of these interests within city government. … Continue Reading ››
TLCQ 2013: Endorsements in City Council Districts A-E
Municipal government may not have the huge budget that Texas lawmakers do in Austin, but as a $4.9 billion-dollar entity, Houston's city budget is still larger than many countries around the world. The Bayou City is one of the world's economic powerhouses. As such, being a City Council Member is a big job. … Continue Reading ››
Ben Hall HATES Taxes
I haven't been following every twist and turn of the Houston Mayor's race, but this latest revelation was simply too hard to resist.
In Mayoral candidate Ben Hall's latest TV ad, he reveals that his true opponent in the race isn't current incumbent Annise Parker, but perhaps it's any government authority … Continue Reading ››
In Mayoral candidate Ben Hall's latest TV ad, he reveals that his true opponent in the race isn't current incumbent Annise Parker, but perhaps it's any government authority … Continue Reading ››
TLCQ 2013: Endorsements- Harris County Bond Election
As the largest county government in the state of Texas, and 3rd largest in the nation, it's no stretch to assuage that many decisions made within Harris County have nation-wide and sometimes world-wide implications. This is well exhibited among this November's bond election.
Proposition 1 is for the … Continue Reading ››
Proposition 1 is for the … Continue Reading ››
TLCQ 2013: Endorsements in HCC Trustee Races
As the second-largest College system in Texas, and the 6th largest in the United States, Houston Community College is a pillar entity in Houston and Southeast Texas. Even for Texans that don't directly attend HCC, they interact with students and alumni on a constant basis. It is an integral part of the … Continue Reading ››
On the TLCQ Endorsements
Just wanted to share a note about the endorsement process before they are released...
The Texas Leftist Candidate Questionnaire has been a great learning experience for me. I am especially thankful to all of the candidates that took the time to read the questions, think about them and respond back. … Continue Reading ››
The Texas Leftist Candidate Questionnaire has been a great learning experience for me. I am especially thankful to all of the candidates that took the time to read the questions, think about them and respond back. … Continue Reading ››