Category Archives: Houston

Houston METRO Approves FINAL Reimagining Map

This week,  METRO's long-awaited public transit overhaul now leaves the imagination, and becomes reality. On Wednesday, the METRO Board voted unanimously to approve the System Reimagining plan, a comprehensive re-design of all of the region's local bus routes, and released the organization's soon-to-be new system map. After months of planning, community feedback and a bevy … Continue Reading ››

Reviving the Shotgun House in Houston, and Beyond

It's one of the oldest home forms in the United States of America, but for most Houstonians, the shotgun house (or some may say rowhouses) has earned a negative connotation.  After decades of neglect, many shotgun homes have fallen into disrepair, and some are being rapidly bulldozed to make way for new contemporary development. But as … Continue Reading ››

Houston Mayor Nationally Recognized For Arts Leadership

Behind every successful artist, there is a network of people, and places that have paved the way for their success.  Those who champion great art don't often get the recognition they deserve, and all too often, their role is much more important than people may ever realize.  In recent years, Houston has seen unprecedented growth … Continue Reading ››

ByYou City: Houston Launches Culture/ Planning Input Initiative

Ask anyone that is more than casually familiar with Houston, and they will tell that it is a city full of surprises. Whether it's cool public structures like the Gerald D. Hines Waterwall Park, or more exclusive gems like the Villa de Matel Convent, Houston is a city that keeps some of its greatest hidden attractions... … Continue Reading ››

Candidates Gravitate To Houston At Large 1 Race

Though we are still a long way out from the high campaign season, Houston City Council races are already starting to get complicated... especially for Progressive, Pro-Equality voters. As John Wright reports via Project Q Houston, two of the city's most notable political forces are now in a crowded field for City Council...  
After narrowly … Continue Reading ››

Without Medicaid Expansion, Harris County Healthcare Workers Laid Off

Home to an estimated 4.4 million people, there's not too much that is small about Harris County, Texas.  It is the 3rd-largest county in the United States of America, and of course is the home for most of the city of Houston. As a rapidly-growing county, no one should be surprised that there is also a … Continue Reading ››

Big Government Texas Part 1: TX Lege Defending Discrimination??

You know the old saying Everything is bigger in Texas right?  Well that's especially true when it comes to government oppression from the state legislature and Governor's office.  Sure, Texas TEA-CONs (TEApublican CONservatives) like Greg Abbott and Dan Patrick love nothing more than to scream and yell about how President Obama and Washington are violating … Continue Reading ››