Texoblogosphere: Week of April 25th

The Texas Progressive Alliance is gathered here today to get through this thing called mourning the loss of Prince as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff looks at the different reactions to Houston repealing HERO and North Carolina passing its harsh anti-equality law.

Libby Shaw contributing to Daily Kos insists that something has got to be done about Houston’s serial flooding. Bold political leadership and action are woefully lacking. Houston: We really can’t do this every year.

Socratic Gadfly notes there’s no “old lace” in the GOP race, just arsenic vs cyanide, and speculates on how it might play out.

The greater Houston area has received four ‘100-year” storms in the past twelve months. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs thinks it’s either time to find a new name for these apocalyptic floods, or perhaps address the various root causes (climate change, too much concrete, greedy land developers) of them.

Many people in McAllen cannot travel. Why? Crazy immigration rules terrorize families. CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme wants immigration reform.

Neil at All People Have Value took note of the hopeful 2016 Texas Green Party convention. APHV is part of NeilAquino.com.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Beyond Bones takes a stand against shark finning.

The Makeshift Academic urges Democrats to accept a lame-duck confirmation of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court if it is on offer.

Better Texas Blog celebrates Tax Day.

Grits for Breakfast dismisses talk of a “crime wave” in Texas.

Paradise in Hell just can’t even with Sid Miller.

If you haven’t heard of this week’s feature photo by now, you’re clearly not in #Formation.  Texas native Beyonce is once again stirring things up with the release of her new album, Lemonade.

Get that “hot sauce” ready.



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