Texoblogosphere: Week of November 25th

The Texas Progressive Alliance wishes everyone a happy Thanksgiving as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff looks at Rick Perry's day in court as he tries one more time to quash the indictments against him. Libby Shaw contributing to Daily Kos says the Houston Chronicle’s editorial board perfectly describes Greg Abbott’s … Continue Reading ››

Real-Estate Watchdog ‘Swamplot’ Returns Next Week

For most it is common knowledge that Houston is one of the largest cities in the country.  Even with troubles in the oil industry, the metropolitan area is still growing at an impressive pace. But what some may not consider is how Houston grows, and the important ways that development guide the Houston of tomorrow.  Unlike any … Continue Reading ››

The University of Texas At… Houston??

With a record-setting year, record-breaking Football team and lots of world-wide attention, the University of Houston has seemed to be unstoppable as of late.  But some interesting moves by another state power-player have leaders at the 'Powerhouse' seeing red away from school. Here's the scoop from Benjamin Wermund of the Houston Chronicle. The … Continue Reading ››

Texas Leftist Endorsements: 2015 Run-off Elections

It may be a much shorter ballot and in the throes of Holiday Season, but the 2015 Election process will not be complete until December 12th-- the date for the Houston Run-off Elections.  As predicted, many important local races have gone to a runoff, and Houstonians will need to come back and vote.  After … Continue Reading ››

Is Texas Governor Greg Abbott Working With ISIS?

Is Texas Governor Greg Abbott working with ISIS?

Enquiring minds want to know. If Liberals had a 'Fox News equivalent' media network, this would be a likely question asked during the news cycle this week.  The Governor of our nation's 2nd most populous and 2nd most diverse state may not say outright that he's working for ISIS (the Islamic … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of November 16th

The Texas Progressive Alliance thinks maybe we should finish celebrating Thanksgiving before we begin the Christmas season as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff took a closer look at how people voted in the Houston Mayor's race. Libby Shaw at Texas Kaos and contributing to Daily Kos wonders if Houston's … Continue Reading ››

U.S. Pastor’s Council’s Next Anti-Equality Stop: Dallas

Back in August, before any votes in the November elections were cast, Texas Leftist had a prediction.  Or maybe better to just call it an observation...
The “Vote NO!” arena has already been tested, and victorious.  Last fall, theUS Pastor Council produced a battle to defeat the Non-Discrimination Ordinance in Fayetteville, Arkansas, and won … Continue Reading ››