Tag Archives: Rebecca Elliott Houston Chronicle

Texas Supreme Court Says HERO Must Be Placed On November Ballot

The Conservative-leaning Supreme Court of Texas has sided with anti-Equality plaintiffs in a Friday morning ruling.  Here's the story from Rebecca Elliott of the Houston Chronicle...
The Texas Supreme Court ruled Friday that Houston City Council must repeal the city's equal rights ordinance or place it on the November ballot. The ruling comes three months after … Continue Reading ››

Marriage Equality Comes To Texas

In the wake of today's historic SCOTUS decision, marriage equality for the state of Texas went from dream to reality. But depending on the county that one lives in, that reality may be harder to swallow than it is for others. As we speak, legal marriage ceremonies are being conducted in  several Texas Counties, including El Paso, … Continue Reading ››

Houston Mayoral Candidates Discuss The Arts

The first major forum in Houston's 2015 campaign season may have been all about the Arts, but it was lacking in drama. Candidates hoping to replace Houston Mayor Annise Parker tested the waters of election season on some previously untested issues for local politics.  Rebecca Elliott of the Houston Chronicle has the story...
Houston's mayoral candidates … Continue Reading ››