Tag Archives: Obama Administration

SCOTUS to Hear Case, Hopefully Settle ‘Immigration Action’ Stalemate

By this point in the Obama Presidency, one thing is clear... the legacy of our nation's 44th President is not being debated in the halls Congress, but in the halls of our nation's highest courts.  Such was the case with the President's landmark legislative achievement-- the 2010 Affordable Care Act, and again the case in … Continue Reading ››

Mitt’s “Model” SB1070? Umm, Not so much

Well finally we're getting some hotly anticipated news from the US Supreme Court. In yet another 5-3 decision (Justice Elena Kagan did not participate), the court has struck down major portions of Arizona's SB1070 immigration law. Major news from this is that it preserves the right of the Federal Government to determine and … Continue Reading ››