For members of the Texas Transgender community, the notion of being under-represented is nothing new. Even among the brave, mostly Democrat contingency of those legislators supporting LGBT rights, they are outnumbered on virtually every measure by those who not only don't support equality, but in many cases vehemently oppose it at every opportunity.
But for those … Continue Reading ››
Weddings touch all of our lives at one point or another. If you're single, you've probably attended at least one, or have even been a part of the wedding party. And if you're volunteer or staff member in a faith community, then you've probably been to more weddings than you can possibly count. For all of … Continue Reading ››
Most everyone in the United States of America understands the concept of a blended family... A couple gets married, and each member of the couple already has child. In order to become a more cohesive family, that couple may cross adopt each other's children. Given all the legal complexities associated with raising a child, this … Continue Reading ››
If we could travel back in time just 5 years, it would seem impossible to imagine the pace at which marriage equality is occurring today. To think that even less than 2 years ago, no popular vote granting same-sex marriage rights had been won in any state. That didn't occur until the November 2012 elections.
But … Continue Reading ››
Appearing before a city council meeting in Springfield, Missouri, Dr. Phil Snyder, an area preacher draws stunning similarities between the arguments we hear today against LGBT equality, and the ones from yesteryear against segregation. He proves, like we suspected, that those arguments are virtually identical.