Tag Archives: Chris Bell

TLCQ 2015: Endorsement for Mayor of Houston

The 2015 Houston Mayor's race is marked by a strong and diverse list of candidates.  At its outset, this close contest may be of some frustration to voters, but ultimately this is a good problem to have. Former Sheriff Adrian Garcia brings a record of executive experience and a positive outlook, but has remained … Continue Reading ››

Texoblogosphere: Week of August 24th

The Texas Progressive Alliance liked it better when politicians wanted to kiss babies and not deport them as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff took a closer look at who votes in City of Houston elections. Libby Shaw at Texas Kaos and contributing to Daily Kos notes that when … Continue Reading ››

Houston Mayoral Candidates Discuss The Arts

The first major forum in Houston's 2015 campaign season may have been all about the Arts, but it was lacking in drama. Candidates hoping to replace Houston Mayor Annise Parker tested the waters of election season on some previously untested issues for local politics.  Rebecca Elliott of the Houston Chronicle has the story...
Houston's mayoral candidates … Continue Reading ››

Chron: Sheriff Adrian Garcia Certain To Run For Mayor

The clock is slowly ticking on towards the Houston municipal elections.  But one area that has seen significant action is the race for Mayor. This week, another major candidate has made moves that are sure to shake up the race.  Theodore Schleifer of the Houston Chronicle reports that all the signs point to an impending … Continue Reading ››