Tag Archives: Charles McClelland HPD

Post-Ferguson, Houston Protests Yield New Action For HPD Body Cameras

The cities of Houston, Texas and Ferguson, Missouri have nearly 1,000 miles between them.  But for many Houstonians, this week's decision to let Michael Brown's killer free without trial had a strong and immediate resonance within the Bayou City.  Citizens quickly mounted protests that not only spoke out about the Missouri decision, but renewed calls … Continue Reading ››

HPD Just Not Investigating Some Crimes… At All!

HPD is coming under intense scrutiny after a recent report showed that the department is way under-staffed to handle a mounting case load.  But after Houston Police Chief Charles McClelland's statements this week, that's clearly NOT the only problem.  Here's the story from Mike Morris of the Houston Chronicle...
Defending his department's failure to investigate thousands … Continue Reading ››